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Old 04-20-2012, 12:01 AM
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ScubaLatt ScubaLatt is offline
King Mackeral
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Moss Bluff
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Got stung by a 4" long green one several years back. Hurt like hell for a day or so. Crappy thing is that I got stung by 5 wasps an hour before getting stung by this catterpillar!

Story goes like this:

I was mowing around my house with a push mower and duck under a crepe myrtle tree limb. BAM! Got stung in the middle of my back! Took off running like a man running for his life from a zombie! Got to street and then BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM -- 4 more stings! F&^# me running! Hit the grass and start rolling, tearing my shirt off to make sure I kill any that may be hanging around my shirt. Neighbor sees me and freaks out wondering why I am rolling around in her yard ripping my clothes off and screaming like a 5 year old girl that dropped her lollipop!

Gained my composure as best I could (while my back is throbbing like I have 5 needles being thrust into and out of my back by a mad scientist) and explained to said neighbor why I was acting like a schizophrenic crack addict! Then went home and got a big ole pot of hot, soapy water and threw it on the wasp nest (which was about 3" in diamater). Commensed to stomping on them and killed 12 wasps total. So, headed into back yard to put pot in kitchen when I felt like I got shot with a BB gun on my left forearm! F&#%, I thought, not more wasps! Then looked down and saw this massive 3-4" bright green caterpillar crawling on the ground. My arm immediately swelt up 3x1 inches and burnt like fire! Ran into house and put cold water and ice on area and drank a beer. Went back outside and got a can of yard guard. Found tree with caterpillars and there were about 100 of them bit*&#$ on the tree branches -- some big adults but most were 1-2 " juvies. I commenced to spraying each one with yard guard and covered them with the foam. used 2 full cans then ran out so finished them off with my machete knife.

Next day I cut down that freaking tree so no more caterpillars would ever get on it again!

Probably one of the top 5 worst days of my life!
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