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Old 05-02-2012, 09:23 PM
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I agree. Limit needs to be back up for big trout. Use to catch 7-8 pound trout on the reg. Haven't caught one over 7 in a while. Sucks. But we all know the guides own big lake and regulate it as they wish. Big lake "Obama" guides lol
Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Pics or it didn't happen , but I caught a 13lber and let it go ..thought record was 15lbs but to get to the question

What brings big trout into a lake???? Abundance of bait....that also brings in lots of small trout. With 15 trout limit you are not keeping the number of small trout down enough that 10-11lbs trout will not come to compete for food, when they can sit offshore and eat at will less competition ..

I believe the ship channel holds some 10 11 and even 12ibs trout in deeper holes but they don't move just sit and eat mullet and shrimp..

When lake limits were 50, and 25 you saw good numbers of 10lb trout and now its almost unheard of these days
I agree. Raise the limits where they should. Use to catch 7-8lb trout on the reg. And that's no lie. I haven't caught one over 7 in a long time.

This is why ...... You raise the limits back to 25 and I guarantee you have 10lb trout being caught in STAR ,shootouts and events like before .....

But politics figured they want a bunch of small trout and keep the hogs at bay
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