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Old 06-03-2012, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by chasin'tail View Post
The facts are that the fishery is and never was in need of a 10 fish reduction in creel. I was at the meeting and the only ones wanting the reduction was idiots and persons in the loop with the people that could shove this down our throats. The peolpe that study and work the lake, the biologists were ignored. And your refrence to duck limits are based on population of breeding birds. They got what they wanted but facts are facts, it has NOT HELPED THE LAKE PRODUCE TROPHY TROUT!!!!. SO tell me why do we need the 15 fish limit? So you can feel good 'bout saving a fishery that doesn't need to saved....y'all can say what you want. It was never about what the lake needed, on the contary it was what the people with the money wanted to happen.
Thank you for stepping up....this is what we need more of...people like u
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