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Old 06-10-2012, 08:01 PM
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jlsch1 jlsch1 is offline
Trophy Trout
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Location: Trashy Baton Rouge, LA
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I use to tie my own now I don't fly fish as much as I use to and check cabelas bargin cave for leaders.
smaller number like 2x is larger fly leader and 7x or higher number lighter leader.
Redfish/bass rod which 8wt I would go to 7ft (2X) or clouser/bass leader and 4wt for bream I still use 7ft over 9ft (7x/6x)due to water not as clear here as in clear stream in mountains.

Need the taper on the leader to make fly balance out when lands.

Only time I don't use leader is on intermediate or sinking tip.

I don't like loops and use nail knot. Each person likes to do it their way some like loops and some nail knot.
If I fly fish in grassy areas if got loops or knots with no glue over it chance of catching grass on it is high.
When made my leaders I would put glue over my knots to reduce the chance of them catching floating grass or leaves etc.
If not that knowledgeable about nail knots easiest ways is like eman said if fly line has loop put loop in top of leader and just attach that way.
Loops are easier and quicker to change out.

If I can recommend a local fly fishing website its run by Catch Cormier he very helpful or just ask question get alot of answers.
They got guys on there most from local clubs like Redstick fly club in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and one in Lake charles that can help you.

Size of leaders these 7xand 6x leaders 7ft and 9ft more for bream fishing/trout throwing light lures
7ft can turn a heavier lure like my beaded fly easier than a 9ft leader.

I like my bend head fly because it looks like minnow. Then bend at the top of the hook weights it down to ride like a minnow.
Deadly caught bass, bream, yellow bass, hybrid bass, rainbow trout, brown trout, scaliat, redfish, speckletrout on this fly.

Last edited by jlsch1; 06-10-2012 at 08:43 PM.
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