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Old 06-24-2012, 11:01 PM
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Woodduck Commander Woodduck Commander is offline
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Default Lab Color Differences?? HELP!!!

Hey guys it's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I figured I'd ask the "experts" when I came across this problem. I have recently come into the opportunity to get my second lab to train as a gundog as my first yellow lab (RIP Dixie) was shot in the head by my stupid neighbor's piece of $HIIIII kid about 2 years ago. I've finally gotten settled in Baton Rouge with my own apartment and am ready to take on the task of training another companion. I am currently trying to decide on whether or not to choose a chocolate or yellow lab as my new dog. I would like a chocolate, however i have had multiple people say chocolate's are not the best dogs as far as gundog training and I'd be much better off going with another yellow. Is there any truth to this? I haven't completely set my heart on a chocolate and really do love yellows and plan to let the puppy pick me, as I am getting pick of the litter from the breeder, but would like to get more experienced advice on this problem. Also any other advice on actually picking the puppy and things to look/watch out for would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.

-Luke Langley
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