Thread: Boat Financing
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Old 08-01-2012, 04:42 PM
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if you go over 30k loan most will do a 10 year note. there are 2 diffrent schools of though on this. my school of thought is SAVE SAVE SAVE so you can put a good down payment and lower your term(lenght of note) . i hate paying intrest especially on a RECRATIONAL toy . the boat catches fish not the intrest no point in paying more than you need. i dont consider a boat an investment but i consider making the leap to buying a boat i use the same guidelines as investing ....most say have at least 3 months of living expense saved up, i say have 1 year of living expense saved up prior to major investments/ purchaces in case crap hit the fan . rate on a new boat will be lower than on a used boat but you will make out better if you shop smart and buy a good used boat ( let the other guy take the depreation hit) . best advice i can give is you know what you can handle financially , dont bite off more than you can chew(, have something put up for a rainy day , look into all the costs ( gas, insurance, maintence, ect) ......