Thread: Fly fishing
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:02 PM
StuBone278 StuBone278 is offline
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That is pretty much what I got, except the reel is black and rod is dark green. What I learned is that I could just use 4# test on a small spool and make my own leaders. Learn how to tie what's called a "nail knot" and you're good.

Now for that would be really intense. The problem I see would be that you wouldn't be able to throw big enough lures with that 5/6 weight. You need more like an 8 weight.
This is solved by just getting a different rod for reds, and just switch out the reels. You can also just change your leader weight by how I mentioned above...saves lots of $$ when deciding on leaders...just get a 80-110 yard spool of whatever pound test and you are good to go. I've even used mine to catch spotted gar; I would use braided 65lb. test as leader and little spider-like flys with a treble attached.
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