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Old 11-03-2012, 07:43 AM
Blue Marlin
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Default Hunting season prayers to all


Father I ask that You keep everyone safe this season; in the woods and fields and in our going to and coming from our favorite hunting spots.

Give us all the steadiness of hand and eye to make the shot that will result in a quick, humane kill.

Mostly God, allow us all the opportunity to share Your Word with other hunters we come in contact with, especially those who do not know You. Thank You for the time spent in fellowship with family and friends.

Just as we have sat with our sons and daughters, Father, I ask that You take the seat beside each of us as we hunt.

Help us to have the wisdom and knowledge to be Christ like in every situation. Help us God to remain faithful to You and mindful of our actions a field.

For those of us who have tensions at home and work I pray that You will allow us to be refreshed in mind, body, and spirit as we hunt. Remind us as daylight dawns and we view in amazement all of Your creation, that You are constant, faithful, and in control.

As we walk the paths and trails, I pray that we become attentive to Your Holy Spirit so that You can also guide the paths You would have us take in life. Open our eyes and ears so that we can enjoy the wonders of the world You have provided.

Protect us from dangers seen and unseen.

And thank You for the wild fare You have provided both in the past and on this day.

In the Name of Your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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