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Old 11-16-2012, 01:08 PM
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southern151 southern151 is offline
Blue Marlin
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FlagUS Salty Cajun Christmas Drive, 2012!!!

Well fellas, it's that time of year again. You know the time when our wives start getting all edgy about shopping and making sure we hang dangerously on the edge of our roof so that we can hang a bunch of lights up...Half of which never seem to work!

While we whine and complain about how our kids want the most expensive toys on the shelves, that our wives have gone completely insane with Black Friday and that there is no time to get everything in place, there is another man who can't do anything for Christmas this year. There's another family that won't be able to have a REAL Christmas dinner because money is too tight. There's another child who just wants a sense of normalicy. This is where we come in!...

Last year was a huge success in our Christmas Drive!!! We, as a site, raised in the range of $3100 that funded two families with the Christmas that, otherwise, they would not have had! We helped pay utility bills, bought clothes, toys, food for the pantry, provided a Real Christmas dinner and, if only for that day, we brought two families comfort and normalicy!

I have a firsthand account of one of the deliveries and, let me tell you, it was the single most fulfilling day in my life, next to my kids being born. The astonished look of parents and kids alike was as moving as anything I've ever seen. There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, I ask that you get on board again this year to make this another successful drive. There is no contribution too small! As I understand it, we already have two deserving families picked out. If we can raise more, perhaps there could be a third!

Let's do this fellas!!

If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at my office/shop @ 225-647-2772 or, on my cell. It is 580-716-4995.

I'll post my PayPal info in a minute.
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