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Old 11-16-2012, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Feesherman View Post
This is exactly what does not need to happen. I understand you are just trying to think outside the box but logistically this will not and cannot work. Who decides who gets which spot? Who decides how many spots will be available? Where will the money go? Who will police these spots? What will you say when you don't get a spot and you have no place to hunt? It is not feasible and it is a slippery slope that you will wish you were not on some day!
I agree, it is not perfect the way it is, but its 'free' and its open to anyone

Again, the whole point of the refuge is for wintering waterfowl, the hunting is just a bonus for us. As long as the true refuge portion is maintained for wintering waterfowl they have met their requirements. If during the waterfowl season hunters kill 10 ducks or 100,000 ducks it makes not one bit of difference for them. Just saying that when you complain to the refuge staff or your senator or whatever it does not matter, they may listen but they are not hearing you. They don't make the decisions, someone at an air-conditioned desk in Washington, DC makes that decision.

White Lake has a lease system and a lottery type system if anyone wants to go that route Better have deep pockets
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