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Old 11-19-2012, 08:32 AM
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jlsch1 jlsch1 is offline
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Companies are looking to trim cost and they are looking to reduce labor quietly.
For the company I work for I have to trim labor which some of it due to
obama care, increasing taxes, and perceived inflation.
By the way we gave 4% to 6% raises depending on time in service and evaluation.
Not laying off anyone down South in non union markets only in Union Markets.
People I am laying off are union positions that are duplication of an existing position.
When union shop stewart told me they would go on strike I told them then it would make my job easier.
I showed him that I can cut duplicate positions where you may only lose x amount of people or if you go on strike everyone is gone.
Showed him applications of highly qualified people looking to fill those positions that were laid off from other companies.
He backed down at that point.

Not being mean if he looked at what Obama care alone going to cost this company he would start being a team player.
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