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Old 11-19-2012, 03:01 PM
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Ragin_Cajun Ragin_Cajun is offline
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You mean BOEMR.

IT is a tragedy that anyone has to loose a life due to any type of accident that could be prevented. Trust me, i am in the safety business and i do it for a living and I know first hand!

I am all for competitive business and fair business....and i think unions are not good for business.

In my youngest days out of college, i have worked union for a publically traded EPIC company. The bottom line, i was hired to do a job.....if i didn't do it above and beyond what the company expected....they should have run me. But, that is how i am my tail off and don't need to hide nor pay for "protection" for a job. If i don't like it, i move on.

I can say because it was a Phillipino crew. The Phillipino consulate has made a press release. And if you tell me that language barriers are not an added risk to whatever you may do for a living, i encourage you to go work in Corpus or Brownsville TX for a month and then come talk to me. Let me know how well you comprehend the Spanish version of the site orientation or the safety video.
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