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Old 11-21-2012, 09:01 AM
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Spunt Drag Spunt Drag is offline
Red Snapper
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Originally Posted by Raymond View Post
It's not what you know but who ya know and how much money do you have that gets ya property to duck hunt on today. Also need to factor in up keep of anything in the marsh;levee repair,spraying,boat house and tons of gear which can add several thousand dollars to the bill every year. Lease partners that aren't lazy or tight with $$$ also make things smoother so pick wisely. One thing I can promise, don't ever plan to keep a place very long where ever it is, someone will always have more money or better connections and eventually take it from you.
And it's usually after you, repair that levee, sprayed the salvania, repaired the boat shed, and rebuilt all the blinds.
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