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Old 11-28-2012, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by swamp snorkler View Post
Man that looks good...... I need to learn how to debone poultry.
First you lay the bird breast side down. Use a boning or fillet knife. Cut a slit down the back bone. Then skin the bird halfway down both sides till you get to the breast and thigh meat. Using the knife at an angle towards the bone the same as removing a backstrap from a deer. Cut thight to socket and then pop the joint loose. Use knife to separte ball and socket. Cut breast by following rib cage. Stop at breast blade. Repeat for both sides. You have to be careful on this last step. Continue to the end of blade bone. Becareful not to cut skin. Do one side then next. When finished you will have the skin with all meat still attached. Next remove thigh, leg, and wing bones. When done properly the meat will be connected to the skin. I then cut the breast in half because it is too thick to stuff the bird. I put the extra half along the sides next to the thigh meat to fill in. Fowl doesnt have alot of thigh meat. In a true galentine you would make a force meat or sausage type stuffing from the goose meat and have just the skin layed out like a cape to wrap and not use bacon. The stuffing was simple. I took some deer garlic sausage and pureed it in a food processor. I then took jalapeno cornbread of equal volume and pureed it with the sausage. The mixture was dry so I added 2 eggs and blended till smooth. The eggs work as a binding agent like for meat loaf.The rest you can figure out by my pics.
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