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Old 12-03-2012, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Finfeatherfur View Post
One speeding ticket won't make your insurance go up and a seatbelt ticket is $25, non-moving. Now, if you want a 100% sure way of getting a nasty note attached to the ticket for the DA's office to read, make sure you do exactly like "W" said and let me know how that works for you!! Believe nothing he said - cause it will only cause you grief in the long run!
But, but, W knows everything! He's the king of big lake, investing, freeboard, football and state laws!

Your best bet has already been mentioned...Call em and ask to pay the fine but keep it off your record. It has worked for me on several occasions. Whatever you do, don't let your mouth and emotions override your better senses. You will lose. Period.

FinFeatherFur is an officer and so is my brother. They'd both agree about someone getting smart with them, on the street or, in court. That DA will stand by his men/women.
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