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Old 12-31-2012, 05:25 PM
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jlsch1 jlsch1 is offline
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fishinpox is the great one when it comes to this!

I had a less of a wo and more of a man, who had a crush on me or crushed me don't remember which was big into Roller Derby in California. I would get invited to the events and then the after parties which back in 1990's was rocking.
I was violated by my friend especially the time she lifted me over her shoulder to bring me home infront of her hot looking team mate I liked.

You had some bassett hounds, true manly less on wo and more on the man sides, but you also had some wow good looking players.

Sad part the wow's were the ones that I didn't have the right tools in box for.

It was fun as heck, drink a few beers, and get see chicks in tight outfits crashing into each other.
Back then sometimes they would chick fight that was great.
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