Thread: 1st responder
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Old 01-30-2013, 06:54 PM
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southern151 southern151 is offline
Blue Marlin
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Well, keep a pack of smokes with you from now on! LOL I was hit by a car on my crotch rocket in 2000 and, it was the first thing I asked for after making sure my arms and legs hadn't "traded places" from the force of the impact!

BTW, it was good samaritans that were first on the scene to help me. I would love to remember who they were and shake their hands for keeping me from losing my mind! I can testify as to how comforting it is to hear words, even from a stranger, when two seconds prior you thought you were as good as dead.

My hat is off to you and, keep up the good work. You've got my number if ya ever need bail $ for helping a fellow citizen!
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