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Old 02-01-2013, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by LPfishnTIM View Post
all this stuff makes me stop and think, stop living in fear and put your faith in God, nothing else matters. He is my provider, my help in time of need, no good thing does he withhold from those who serve him. my trust isn't in my own ability, because on my own I'm nothing. but while I'm trusting in God, its hard to not get caught up in the cares of the world, I hate to stand by and watch what this corrupt government is doing against its own citizens. Our rights have been infringed on ever since 9/11 when we allowed the usa patriot act of 2001 to come about for "public safety". We have slowly allowed this slow degrading of our rights to happen by not standing up and being passive. People's fear of the unknown has let this happen, and I'm tired that every time something happens a law or something to "prevent" something else, comes and takes away even more of our rights.

Plus, when it comes to guns everyone gets all rowdy and talks a real big game because IMO it's easy to fight it because taking them would require face to face encounter of some sort.

But what about our money? They been stealing that right out from under us for as long as we can all remember, and are doin it even more now then ever! 50 million abortions that WE paid for! Welfare has doubled in 4 years! Illegals breaking in, getting shot by homeowners And WE airlift then to save their life on OUR dollar, then let them walk out of the hospital.

Guns will always be around an always be available, our money being taken is the biggest fight and nobody fights it, the battle is already over. Both parties have brought us to this point.

They've inculcated a culture change, the honest, law abiding, working man is now the enemy in the eyes of the majority of folks that vote - and these people (voters AND politicians are payed by US. Genius scheme, they aren't stupid...
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