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Old 03-04-2013, 01:34 PM
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YellaBlazer YellaBlazer is offline
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Originally Posted by TarponTom View Post
What many people don't realize is the cleanup crews are picking up between 700 to 900 pounds of oil every single day on Fourchon Beach, & Elmers Island alone. Every the tide goes out oil balls are all over the beaches again. I have also seen a significant reduction in the menhaden population in the Lake P, Borgne, and Venice areas. The population is easily 1/2 of what it was in 2005 and I'm positive this is due to the oil spill and corexit.

A reduced creel limit of trout to 5 per person with strict minimum and maximum size limits will occur within the next 48 months. The trout & menhaden aren't the only fish to have taken a hit either--the flounder fishery is in real trouble.
Could this also be from the big purse seiners out of Empire that supply the pogie plant?

Same could be said about the amount of mullet around Grand Isle/Elmers Island. I remember as a kid fishing the surf that there would me mullet rafts as far as you could see in any direction. You don't see that anymore either. Could this be due to the net fishermen that catch them for their eggs? I'm not sure, but it's another plausible possibility.
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