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Old 03-30-2013, 09:41 AM
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jlsch1 jlsch1 is offline
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Location: Trashy Baton Rouge, LA
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Reel does not mean much in fly fishing for bass and redfish due to they never really tear into a drag like a bonefish.

8wt or 9wt on heavier side would be a good weight rod
WFF (weight forward floating good start again 8wt or 9wt)
Don't need to get into sinking line at the beginning
In surf I use a intermediate, but a WFF a good all around line

Many good brand of rods in 8wt
Temple Fork
St croix
What taper you like and how much you want to spend.
I buy alot of my rods off ebay or flyfishing sites.

They got alot of good fly clubs around the state start at
Most have a fly federation casting instructor or people who help people before the meeting on casting a fly rod.
Great time to learn how to cast a rod and possibly try to some rods to see what you like.
Not every rod is made for everyone you got fast action, medium action, and slower action rods. Each has a purpose.
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