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Old 04-19-2013, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by specktator View Post
X2 I think so as well. Just hope he doesn't set off another bomb. They said brother that was killed had bomb strapped to him and detonation device.
This is what has me worried.

Islamic extremists carrying out a mission commit suicide bombings (not doing so is shameful). Really, the only time they don't die during the attack is when they have further missions to carry out - these guys have a bigger agenda IMO, and the fact that they are busted leads me to believe they are in the contingency stage right now which is suicide by cop while taking out as many infidels nearby as possible.............!

I hope number 2 goes down like number 1, and that he hasn't made his way to a populated area where he can finish himself off with a BANG! I'd be surprised if we get him alive, there will be some action soon and I pray it's something we can cheer for.
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