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Old 05-23-2013, 12:30 PM
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Spunt Drag Spunt Drag is offline
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Originally Posted by bbrown View Post
[SIZE=3]It makes me laugh reading all these comments when it comes to an ice chest. If somebody has one they are a “gimmick fisherman” and they keep them in the back of their truck to keep their capri suns cold. I keep a Yeti chained in the back of my truck. I have not taken it out of there minus putting it in a boat to go fishing. They are durable and I have had mine for over 4 years with only changing a drain plug. Mine has fallen out of the truck, been sat on in dove fields, hauled fish all over the state and fed more dogs ice while training without anything breaking and I’m ok with that. If you expect it to make ice or hold ice for weeks at a time they are not magic. If you want a durable ice chest that works slightly better than an igloo at keeping ice but holds up without breaking lids, handles, cracking, hinges and you don’t mind paying for it, then get one. I think the majority of people that have one don’t think that they are the next helicopter lure and all the people that I know use them for a specific purpose. [/SIZE]
Agree 100%
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