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Old 06-09-2013, 09:22 AM
SigNate SigNate is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Metairie
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Yesterday while out doing a few errands I decided to make a little jambalaya for dinner last night. No, not the boxed stuff! I'm talking about a good real jambalaya. I ran by Michael's Seafood to see what their shrimp looked like and they had some nice medium sized shrimp for $2.50 but when I saw the large for $3.50 I had to have those. I had to go to the grocery so I grabbed the other ingredients I needed like chicken thighs and smoked sausage. When I got home I started off with peeling and de veining the shrimp then chopping onions, bell peppers and celery and sliced up the sausage. When it was time to start cooking I grabbed one of my favorite cooking vessels. Yes I call it a cooking vessel because it's a big one. The big cast iron Le Creuset #34 13.25 qt Dutch oven. I love that thing!

Five of the 10 lbs of 16-20 count beauties.

Gotta have a cold beer while cooking!

While chopping and slicing I put the shrimp heads and shells on a low simmer to make a good stock instead of just using water for the jambalaya.

Browning the sausage.

Chicken thighs almost done and diced after cooling.

Time to deglaze the bottom of the pot and cook the seasonings down a bit.

After adding the stock, meats, seasons and shrimp it's ready to add the rice and simmer till cooked.


Served with warm buttered French bread.

Came out pretty darn good if I must say!!!
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