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Old 06-27-2013, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Matt G View Post
A dispatcher "advised" him, a police officer did not order him to do anything. He was well within his right to follow him. I can damn well promise you that if after a rash of burglaries happened around my house and I see some stranger walking around my place in the rain, he will be followed so I can relay to LEO what this person looks like and where they are going. Was he not the neighborhood watch captain? If he were to notice this thugs suspicious activity and blow it off then a young lady ends up raped and murdered that night, then he would be crucified even worse than he is now. Bottom line is he followed what looked to be a possible burglar to relay the information to the authorities. Knowing the confrontational attitude of wannabe gangsters, I can almost guarantee that TM attacked GZ. At the end of the day, there is one less POS in this world that we will have to support and will not be able to make more little ba$tard kids. I think GZ should never have to buy another beer again!
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