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Old 06-30-2013, 01:39 PM
Gerald Gerald is offline
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Originally Posted by jlsch1 View Post
I don't mess with old river until miss river on baton rouge guage hits 24 feet and falling.
Now 26 ft and falling I love going after schools of barfish in the early morning they just fight good, easy to catch, and you go around lake following them before sunlight. It is unreal due to they just start busting up on bait fish and it like bam, bam, bam, bam, bam and sometimes you can catch some little bass mixed in.
Then I roll toward sandbar and go after the stripers, barfish, and bass when they bust up on shad.
Scaliat I do real well around 22ft in back monday or Mondu lake
I caught some nice bass in woods with water high, but I don't like messing with snakes falling in the boat anymore. I caught bass schooled up in woods like these when river starts going down and I do trick worms in white/lime top

One day I ran into a school of bass had to be between 25 to 50 like in the bottom photo sitting not moving in the path that takes you to the ballpark. They were right next to the brush line going into deep water just sitting. Wouldn't bite nothing they just stayed still not moving.

Old river a great place and I always catch something. To me catching catfish off small H&H mircospin in August was my best trip next to anytime the barfish are biting.

I am just truckless right now. Going to buy a new one next week, so even if the water great I have no way to get my boat to the river.

Miss the old 1970's days with bob scare, guy in wheel chair that block your vehicle for a beer, and fishing off my uncles raft for scaliat.
At my uncles camp I accidently poured powered milk in a glass thinking it was water. Before I could go out fishing with my grandfather in a Louisiana traveler with old Mercury my grandmother made me drink that nasty stuff.
Worse than drinking Tab soda.
I guess I am a little older than you. We fished Old River back in the late 50's and 60's. About '75 was probably the last time I fished up there. We also fished a lot in the Morganza pits area.

Back then, Old river had 4 boat launch and all were just gravel and no pavement. The building at the launch was just an old wooden shack and they sold shinners, crickets, and worms. There were just a few old wooden "camps" back then on Old River.

When we first started going up there, we had the guy at the launch take us out to the raft, which was about 200 yards out, to fish. When you were ready to come would ring the bell to let him know.

Then my Dad bought a 5 hp Sears outboard and we would rent one of the 14' Bateaux's.....they had about 15 to rent. Now we were really fishing.

My Dad was not much into fishing but he would take us often. I remember one trip with my younger and older brothers and Dad. My younger brother (7 yr old) wanted to fish on the raft with some shinners because we were just going to slow trolling outside of the tree line. We went down about 1/2 mile and turned around to check on my brother. When we passed, he said that he had 2.

We came back by him a little later and he said that he had 6 sacks. The third time by, he had 10 and I think we had caught 1 or 2 bass. We then got on the raft.

After Dad made a couple trips back to get more shinners.......we filled the ice chest with sacks that day. When we were loading up to leave, someone that Dad knew offered us some more sack if we wanted them, but we had plenty.

Cleaning 107 sacks took us a while that night. Dad was doing the cutting and us kids were doing the scalling.
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