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Old 06-30-2013, 04:33 PM
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jlsch1 jlsch1 is offline
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Gerald that ended a little before I was born.
I heard about the rafts, bell, and people catching fish.
The rafts are always good especially in the hotter part if you can take the heat.
My uncle had a camp there from 1973 until 1982.
Old River is known as Scaliat haven and bream haven.
It has big bass, schooling bass, and my favorite stripers they take a back seat to scaliat.

Southern151, that sounds like a plan we try to hit scaliat but I will not be ready to go out that way until 13th of the month.
The river probably and its a strong probably just starting to get fishable according to the Baton Rouge guage. 32ft and falling it starts getting good, but high. Fishable really good 22ft to 14 ft. Below 14ft the water cannot cross the wier in the narrows to go back in the Mississippi river.
I am sure guys are already in the ballpark but I don't like messing with old river until 26 ft.
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