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Old 07-09-2013, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by swamp snorkler View Post
My kids are 7 and 8, they both know what it means to be gay. Like it or not it's all over TV. I don't have any problems with gays, hell I think they should be able to married and miserable just like everyone else. I have a good friend who was raised by 2 women, he turned out just fine, he's married with 2 kids of his own.

As far as flying a gay flag on government property, if they allow that they have to allow everyone to fly whatever flag they want. Whether it's a planned parenthood flag, rebel flag, an acadian flag, a cowboys flag, an Arian nation flag yadda yadda yadda. Looks like the government may be installing lots of flag poles.
The way I see it is no one(man or woman) should be able to tell another man or woman that he/she is doing something wrong because of their moral choice. You tell your kids what you want but they gonna see it everyday for the rest of their lives. No use living in denial it's gonna happen but doesn't mean anyone has to embrace it. Just like people choose to be a douche bag and/or racist, it happens. The way any one person deals with it and teaches kids how to handle it in the present time and moving froward is what matters. I personally have a gay brother but don't get mad at people when they make homophobic slurs because that's how they were raised and telling them different will only add fuel to the fire. I think it's wrong to pass judgement on someone you don't know merely because your kids/brother/family member may just be going through some things in their life and to them that lifestyle suits them. Will you turn them away because of a decision or a life choice they made? And if your answer is yes then... What if the person that made this decision looked up to you for guidance to make descisions on life choices and you not only weren't there to help them but you shunned them to an extent of remorse. You wouldn't feel like crap? If not then I feel for you. If you don't deliberately hinder someone from being their own person they may surprise you but if you do they may just choose to make a left field choice against your better judgement to rebel. Who cares about a friggin flag. I do think the flag its a way to be heard but why make a big deal out of it. If the gvt agrees then so be it.Don't look at it!
Tell your tell your kids whatever you want them to grow up being taught. But remember.... You may be in a situation that may turn the tables weather it be politically or deathly and you may need a helping hand. I wouldn't want to be the person who was known for my unorthodox judgement on a matter such as this when it mattered the most to be helped by an individual... whom may be gay...etc... My .02. Go ahead judge me. I won't cry
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