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Old 08-07-2013, 06:45 AM
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Originally Posted by I make oil View Post
I pay for myself, my wife and 4 kids to fish the star every year. I've been active a few times at show in signing new members and have met several of the higher ups in the organization. I think the CCA has changed from its original grass roots purpose and become something entirely different. It feels like its a money making thing now that individuals are using to push their own personal agendas. I would love to see a new angler oriented organization start up. I'd pay to join. Nothing keeps you honest like competition.

Any members on this site serious about setting up an organization like this? If 5 people were to get together and put up $1000 dollars I'm sure that we could kick something off. Any attorneys here to assist in setting up and managing a non profit that might be interested? I'm willing to put up money and be involved if we can get together the right people. I will be home next week.
There are some challenges here. One challenge is deciding what you really want the group to be. Is the focus of the group conservation of natural resources for future generations or is the focus of the group an approach to fisheries management that emphasizes sound scientific management and prefers a libertarian outlook that places a fairly high scientific bar before the liberty of recreational anglers is restricted with additional regulations?

Will the group focus on sound science and restoration (reefs, etc.) which would make for a valid non-profit (tax exempt status), or will there be a political and policy focus where the group would probably not qualify for tax exempt status?

To take the approach of including both you need to organize something like the NRA. The regular NRA (National Rifle Association) focuses on education and training in civil rights and marksmanship. The political and policy arm is the NRA-ILA (Institute for Legislative Action) that is a recognized political group and is allowed to lobby because it does not enjoy tax exempt status.

Once a group exists, there will invariably be internal disagreements over how the group approaches (allocates resources) to address the various interests. Where are the reefs deployed? What scientific issues get studied? What is the group's policy position on various management agendas on the fed and state level? How well is the group organized and governed to survive and succeed in spite of these internal disagreements?
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