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Old 08-08-2013, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
I think that's the other thread mainly ... but this thread is also pointing out that a good conservation organization would steadfastly adhere to the principle that regulations need to have their necessity demonstrated by sound science.

A good conservation organization should be committed to the Constitutional principles of liberty such that sportsman's liberties in pursuing and harvesting game should only be restricted with there is sound and compelling scientific data demonstrating a true conservation need. Regulations should not be based on the fear that the resource might not remain for future generations; they should be based on sound scientific data showing the resource cannot be sustained for future generations under current management practices.

Sustainable harvests and use of the resources should always be allowed, and the burden of proof for those proposing new regulations should always be on those proposing to impose new criminal penalties for liberties which have been previously enjoyed and unregulated.
Certainly can agree with all of that. Now we just either need to force / cajole CCA into the above role. Or create / find an organization to fill that need.
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