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Old 08-12-2013, 10:09 AM
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Originally Posted by J Berg View Post
This site and others like these is why fishing is so terrible. The lake is over run with people constantly. Dont tell the whole world where you catch fish bc you wont be able to sqeeze your boat in between all the other boats that you told about. I understand your "trying" to help everyone out to catch more fish, tell your good buddies, not the entire gulf coast and you will continue to catch fish for a long time instead of 1 day. I enjoy reading all the different threads but somethings you just have to keep to yourself.
Both these lakes are over 30 miles in length north to south and 15 or so wide. That's like a lot of square Miles to fush. My math may be screwed up but it's big either way. No one said where they were at just said in a huge general area. Now how is that telling the entire gulf coast where boats are limiting out? And y isn't this kind of post put on every post that says "bl afternoon" or "bl between showers" or "Vbay report" y bc no one cares. The only time someone cares is when it may hinder them. Ill be the first one to say it was prolly luck. Ill prolly never do that again. But it was easy. That it was. And that's all I stated
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