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Old 08-18-2013, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by hawgsquatch View Post
Better solution. Lets tie the tax rate to the drugs you want to do!

Booze is a big one lets tax people who drink a little.

Pot is about the same but we need to add a few percent for the future cancer cases....or just tax cap'n crunch 600 percent.

Cocaine, that's a rich white dude drug so smack them dudes up to about 25 percent.

Heroin...we can have a "Patriotic" tax because we all know its just middle easterners and Mexicans who make that stuff.

Meth....just tax Drano , bug spray, lye and Sudafed...el done o.

I am a libertarian. I hate all laws that protect stupid people from themselves. I just like messing with dopers and their burnt out minds and religious commitment to their chemicals. It's like shakin a monkey cage.....and the monkey is stoned, lol. I guess you might say you guys getting stoned entertained me.
Where are the dopers? I don't even smoke, I can pass a test right this second and any day of the week. Hair, piss, whatever.

What the hell are you talking about, messing with dopers?

You are not a libertarian, go find another political affiliation.
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