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Old 08-19-2013, 12:43 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
The original post was intended to discuss the Libertarian position, which includes legalizing all drugs, not only marijuana as the gateway drug to broader legalization. In this thread, contributors explicitly have advocated legalizing not only cannabis, but also mushrooms and other soft drugs. Advocates have held out Portugal, which has legalized every imaginable model, as a positive example. Many contributors have specifically lauded the libertarian position, which is much broader than cannabis alone.
The original post was not about this it was about a different subject, You branched it into this post which is titled "Answering the Libertarian argument for drug legalization" However you have attempted to use said post for both non scientific conjecture and to forward your personal agenda / opinion.

With that said, it is stated by the Libertarian party that they believe that the best course of action with all drugs is legalization / de-criminalization. It is also the overwhelming opinion of the worlds scientific community that legalization / de-criminalization is the most effective method by far to combat drug use.

It is NOT the libertarian party's position to eliminate underage substance abuse laws..... And you know it.

As Governor Johnson often points out to concerned parents, "it will never be legal for a person to smoke marijuana, become impaired, and get behind the wheel of a car or otherwise do harm to others, and it will never be legal for kids to smoke marijuana."

It is in point of fact the Libertarian party's position (which i agree with) that legalization & regulation will have the greatest possible impact upon drug availability to underage children.

America has cut teen cigarette use in half, not by criminalizing possession and use, but through a combination of honest education and sensible regulation. That's what been shown to be effective.

Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
There is plenty of good science to show that cannabis and many other drugs have a negative impact on brain function. To be sure, the commercial, "This is your brain on drugs" is a bit oversimplified and was targeted at an adolescent audience. But the message has solid scientific support. See:

Cannabinoids derived from herbal cannabis interact with endogenous cannabinoid systems in the body. Actions on specific brain receptors cause dose-related impairments of psychomotor performance with implications for car and train driving, aeroplane piloting and academic performance. - Pharmacology and effects of cannabis: a brief review
You linking the commercial has nothing to do with the message being oversimplified, It's being done as a simple emotional plea to justify your unreasonable and unscientific stance on this discussion.

And just like clampy said, that's the point of using cannabis. So no need to debunk this study, because it effectively means nothing of relevance to this discussion.
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