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Old 08-20-2013, 02:08 PM
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Duck Butter Duck Butter is offline
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
Scientists and professionals should not tire or express frustrations when presented with opportunities to engage with the public. Public misperceptions exist because the experience of the general public is much different than the experiences of professionals, scientists, and policy makers.

Publishing papers and reports and hobnobbing with policy makers may impact the world of the common man, but does little to educate him regarding "why"? Many citizens are left wondering and speculating regarding the relative importance of money, influence, science, and power in shaping policy that effects them.

For every "W" who bothers to post and challenge for better answers, there are ten others reading the thread and possibly dozens of others who harbor similar sentiments without bothering much follow-up. The "new media" goes beyond Fox news, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity. It is played out on twitter, blogs, discussion forums, Wikipedia, etc. every day. And even on SaltyCajun.

The saltwater intrusion page at wikipedia is pretty good, but can be improved. Improving the Calcasieu Lake wikipedia page would be warmly welcomed, and could certainly have a section for the importance of the weirs in reducing saltwater intrusion into the marsh. Then in the future, you could simply cite that material.
W just likes to stir the pot
The wikipedia page should also include the word 'troll' and a pic of W on it

I do agree with most of that though. It is much easier to work with an animal than it is the general public and especially in Louisiana. We do not like change and for this reason it is why we are always last at getting things done. I still have family members who refuse to call in deer they kill even though the tagging system has been going on for several years, they do not want anyone knowing how many deer they killed and then they will be the first ones to gripe about the way LDWF handles things

And look at attendance at public meetings on issues that actually affect people, no one attends them. Surveys go out to people looking for public comment and no one answers them. For instance, the Coastal Master Plan has been going on for many years and there have been many meetings and the public was encouraged to attend. The meetings were posted on every outdoor site around for years and now when some of these things get rolling the public cries wolf and acts like they knew nothing about any of this (see the Save Louisiana Coalition another story altogether though)
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