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Old 11-14-2013, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by AceArcher View Post
Absolutely not.. stick by your guns!!! I am actually glad to hear that you intend to vote with your conscience.. we need more... not less of that.
I really like Ron Paul. If the LP can find a man like him who is pro-life and deeply appreciates (and can elucidate) the important distinctions between state and federal powers, he would likely have my vote in 2016 and beyond.

As it is now, my biggest concern with the LP is that they will allow federal power to grow in ways that impose "libertarian" principles on the states where they can get congressional support or foolish fiats from the federal courts.

Ron Paul staunchly opposed that kind of folly and abuse of federal power.

Most other libertarian candidates are not so principled.
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