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Old 11-14-2013, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by longcast View Post
Geek. You need to go have a drink,smoke a joint and get some *****. Live a little.
My wife and I are enjoying our 25th year of marital bliss, and we enjoy a bottle of wine now and then. I make my living solving math and science problems that other people can't and (even if it were legal), there is no way I would impair my moral and scientific judgment by smoking weed, nor would I impair my mathematical abilities. Middle age is hard enough on my mathematical and scientific abilities, and I killed too many brain cells in college.

As an educator, I also need to set a positive example for students everywhere. Physics, Chemistry, and Calculus are hard enough without chemical interference. As a parent, I need to set a positive example for my children. The US will need some home grown scientists and engineers in the next generation.

Life is pretty fun without smoking weed. I've got a smokin' hot wife, beautiful and brilliant children, and a great career. I have no idea what smoking weed feels like, but I doubt it can compare to homeschooling my children, a relaxing evening at home with my wife, or screaming drags catching one bull red after another.
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