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Old 11-15-2013, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by AceArcher View Post
I think you should have a closer look at Gary Johson, It's candidates like him who not only espouse "less government" but actually acted on those thoughts and did it when he was a gov. That's the type of person that we should be looking to. IMO.
Gary Johnson advocates the ongoing legalization of the murder of unborn children. Ron Paul is pro-life.

Under his "leadership" the LP has abandoned the key recognition of the importance of federalism and separation of state from federal powers. It certainly appears that Johnson would advocate for the feds running roughshod over state powers and rights if they can successfully force states to implement "libertarian" policies regardless of the desires of those state legislatures.

Ron Paul was clear that recreational drug use is bad, but the federal government should not criminalize it any more than other unhealthy behaviors. Gary Johnson, in contrast, is an actual dope smoking hippie type. It is one thing to support the candidacy of a man whose preferred policies allow marijuana use. It is another to support a man whose judgment is impaired by drug use. It's the difference between voting for a health guru who thinks that the government banning trans fats is absurd and voting for Gov. Chris Christie.

I am also uncomfortable with the way Gary Johnson's first marriage ended. If a man can't be trusted to keep the most sacred vows to his wife, how can he be trusted to be faithful to his oath of office? Ron Paul's faithfulness in marriage gains the trust of voters in a much more convincing manner.
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