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Old 11-26-2013, 03:02 PM
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Finfeatherfur Finfeatherfur is offline
King Mackeral
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Crowley, LA
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Well, another issue is the "oops" of a deer kill. By "oops" I mean shooting a deer on the run that is not legal to harvest. Must be a buck of certain size/age class. Witnessed several guys shooting a deer on the run to find out it was a spike. Guess what, the kid that shot was the one the "hit" the deer and everyone else missed! Yep, that is what they claimed when they arrived to find 3" horns on his head.

I choose to work our land, farming cover/food for the wildlife. Yes, we sit in a box sometimes, sometimes I sit on the ground or log as well. I choose to shoot adult deer, that have reached maturity. If I have a new hunter, or kid that wants to shoot a spike it was his day to die. My wife has video/pic of 3 spikes playing for 2 hours at 20 yards from her this weekend. My 14y/o passed on a doe waiting on a buck. That is our choice. The dog hunters have a choice also. They can repsect our land and hunt like it was meant to be hunted. But what gets me, it's the same group year after year that is causing trouble for all - deer hunters on both sides are going to pay the price because of them!
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