Thread: "Green" bullets
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Old 12-23-2013, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Duck Butter View Post
I am as conservative as anyone and I also read about this plant closing a while back and a few conspiracy thoughts popped in my head. I read a few other articles on the plant and more into it and its truly nothing here. News outlets never let the chance for a good fabricated crisis to go by the wayside - thats how they get views which lead to more advertising dollars Its merely scare tactics to get more views. It absolutely sucks that this is what our 'news' has become - just look at the Phil Robertson fabrication, another non-story in my opinion. The man said one thing and all these 'news' outlets spun it and took his words out of context and next thing you know its all over the news. You never know what is truthful or what isn't, as long as it sells is what they are looking for, sad truth

You're right about the news outlets
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