Thread: "Green" bullets
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Old 12-24-2013, 09:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Duck Butter View Post
Thought the .308 (7.62) was what most sniper rifles were?

I read where it was only going to cost something like $18 million for the switch - we were spending over a billion a day in the last two wars which would equate to about what we spent every 30 minutes over there

Sometimes commonly used products are phased out because the long term effects of exposure to them and the environment can not be tested in the lab (it takes time), and they eventually get replaced (asbestos is one such product we used all the time and didn't know it was so harsh). Lead is a toxic element in every way, its the reason we no longer have leaded gasoline and why we no longer use lead pipes for plumbing

I don't think lead bullets are much of a problem to the environment here in Louisiana but I KNOW lead pellets from shotgun shells shot in the 60s are still killing ducks at Catahoula Lake 50 years later and that isn't cool to me.
I agree, can you post the evidence linking lead to the ducks at Catahoula lake?
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