Thread: "Green" bullets
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Old 12-24-2013, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Duck Butter View Post
Thanks for the info, I didn't know they made the switch to a .300 win mag. Just another example of the military making a switch from a perfectly good performing piece of equipment(.308) to another (kinda like going from lead bullets to 'green' bullets eh?
The switch to the .300 Win Mag extended the effective range of Army and Marine snipers by 50% in an arena where extended range was sorely needed.

Originally Posted by Duck Butter View Post
Lead pellet ingestion is what I am referring to, not lead bullets. Steel shot has come a long ways and its not even an issue anymore to kill ducks with it.
Yes, and I expect that 20 years from now, much more expensive options will be just as effective as lead bullets are today.

Originally Posted by Duck Butter View Post
I have no information on the 'green' bullets the military is supposed to be phasing in, and I doubt anyone on this site knows anything about it - military doesn't go around spouting out their new technologies.
The Army discusses new developments in small arms ammunition at every NDIA armament conference. The full published specification is available for the currently fielded .300 Win Mag ammunition, the currently fielded 7.62x51mm ammunition, and the M855 ammunition in 5.56x45mm. I don't think they've published the full spec yet for the M855A1, but a lot of information about it is available, and it's not hard to reverse engineer most of the details from the available information.
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