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Old 12-26-2013, 09:39 AM
Beagleman Beagleman is offline
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There are some things people on here seem to be ignoring. Robertson, prior to the GQ interview, admitted that he knew he could not get away with expressing some of his more controversial beliefs on DD. Although some continue to see Robertson as just a simple good old boy clueless to the ways of the wicked left-wing media, if you think that you probably also think your bank account is bigger than his. The reality is Robertson, who is way more media savvy than some give him credit for being, took advantage of his popularity from the show to get his views out to a national audience via an interview in a major magazine. Gay groups and anti-gay groups used that interview to generate publicity for their side. GQ, meanwhile, has gotten a ton of free publicity and generated increased reader interest. Forget this BS about Robinson somehow being a victim. He accomplished what he set out to do in the interview. The guy is 67, has made more money than he ever dreamed he would and, according to past comments, wasn't in favor of doing the show to begin with. He has now jumped from being a redneck entertainment figure to preaching to a national audience. Robinson came out a winner in the sense of getting his message out to a national audience, the pro- and anti-gay groups won in getting lots of publicity off it, and certainly GQ came out ahead. About the only loser in this tempest in a coffee cup (I doubt Phil drinks tea) is A&E, which can't seem to figure out what it wants to do.
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