Thread: coke screwed up
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Old 02-03-2014, 07:46 AM
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Blue Marlin
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But w said all Muslims are terrorists ?? Lmao who gives a crap about the commercial, if you feel as if you were raped of your "native" language how about you spend less time titty babying on here n got take a class to learn it! My greatgrand father came here on a boat at 16 and didn't have a pot to piss in ! Died with millions form a business he started , is it his fault or anyone else's fault I can't speak Slovenian?? No it's mine , I never took the time to . If there is such a problem then never drink a coke again, or how about you start a non profit that teaches Cajun french at a community center or learn it so you can't each your kids , as for me I feel this country has already done MORE THAN ENOUGH for me and my IMMIGRANT family
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