Thread: coke screwed up
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Old 02-03-2014, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
You want to learn another language just to cater to others then have a F'n ball. Im not gona do it. I couldnt give a F less what you think. We deal with it all the time at work. Got a group of 5 people and the only one that speaks english is the 8 year old.
lmao ! again in most countries they speak 2-3 languages. no one expects you to learn another language to cater to anyone , but dont look down on someone who is trying to better themselves and their families situation by coming to america, unless youre native american and still speak your "native" language you shouldnt be saying S H I T . this aggravates the hell out of me! i know countless hispanics who are here to work, who have bank accounts, pay taxes( filed for an EIN number since they cannot get a SS number), in fact pay straight taxes! not like 99% of americans who try to write off crap that really isnt used for business or find every loop hole . these guys pay what their told to pay.they go to church , have strong christian and family values , they are an asset to this country , but close minded people like yourself are so stupid they cant even realize their ancestors were most likely in the same situation as these people ! how about we dont pay attention to babies since they cant properly speak english yet??? F em right?? " if your 1 year old a s s cant ask me for a budwiser and a AMERICAN burger and a AMERICAN can of coke then you will just starve , i aint catering to you idiot infant" lmao
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