Thread: coke screwed up
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Old 02-03-2014, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by fishfighter View Post
that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard, you comparing a BABY to an immigrant, sounds to me like you are the Ignorant one, no one has a problem with the immigrants that are going about this the LEGAL way, no one has a problem with some one wanting to better themselves, but you think they are all here trying to do it legally, you are blind if you don't think they have some here cause they are "fugitives" in their home land, and many others that are here abusing a broken system, come to america learn our culture but "you" can still embrace "yours", "you" left your country for a reason, not to come to america and turn it into what "you" left
if you are so dumb you cant see i was trying to compare his statement to something so irrational ( a baby) you are a retard! you're right there are plenty of illegal immigrants in this country who are doing the wrong thing but there are plenty TRYING to do the right thing. the english language or any language for that matter is not something learned overnight. as far as duck1911 saying he was tired of hearing "them" talk in their language with each other ??? seriously?? what is wrong with that? the best part of this whole thing is the Coca Cola facebook page!! go look at that ! lmao "americans" posting " how could you let them sing our national anthem in another language" lmao they dont even know WHAT our national anthem is !!
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