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Old 02-13-2014, 10:20 AM
Big Hutch Big Hutch is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Oakdale, LA
Posts: 94
Cash: 641

I am trying to teach them how. They are guys in their 50s that I introduced to the sport. I've got one that is now able to do a few clucks on a speck call and knows how to blow a whistle.

Sorry if I suggested that hunting is all about calling. Hunting is definitely more than calling. Being where the birds want to be would be first on my list; camo/no movement second; then calling/decoys. Since we hunt blinds leased from someone else we seldom have the luxury of being on the "x". Since that is the case calling becomes more important. They do ok during teal season and on teal during regular season. But when it comes to specks especially and big ducks that's where good calling really helps and bad calling really hurts. Some days I fit in both categories ...

Please know that I am in no way going to abandon my partners. All of my partners have demanding work schedules and there are periods of the season where I know they won't be hunting. That's when I am going to schedule a few hunts in my second blind to help with costs.

Robbie aka Big Hutch
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