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Old 03-16-2014, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Goooh View Post
Sounds like your opinion is the most biased. Get a rod that isn't so stiff and use a different knot, you'd probably like fluoro
I was only referring to the opinions expressed in the utube videos, not comments here.

I formed my "biased" opinion from actually fishing with flouro for quite a while trying several different brands and finding I needed 30 lb test in stead of the 15 lbs I usually use just for it not to pop several times on every trip I made.

granted maybe flouro is good "if" I learn special knots and tip them with superglue so they don't come loose and then replace all my rods with light and ultra light ones that have lots of give in them so the line never receives any sharp quick tension so it doesn't break but then how is that saying flouro is better?

by the way, I use 20 lbs test line on medium action spinning rods for reds and I use 14 lbs test line on medium action spinning rods for top water or popping cork fishing and 14 lbs test line on medium light action spinning rods for specks. to go to a softer tip pole i'll have to go to light and ultra light poles.

I am very interested in finding a good flouro to use on "spinning" reels if I don't end up constantly breaking off like in the past.

the manufacturers of flouro line say it sinks better then mono so when used by itself, it will not be best suited for top water and cork fishing. so when even the manufacturer says its not well suited for all uses, I think I will believe them.

even fishing pros say not to use straight flouro for top water and cork fishing because the sinking line pulls the baits in a more downward motion and doesn't give the best action? they say you need to use braid and just add a flouro leader on the end so the braid floats the line while the flouro line is invisible to fish. everything I read about it says flouro is great and there is nothing better "if used in the right way in the right situations" but not in all situations.

I found lots of info that said there was nothing better then fluorocarbon "when used as a leader for braid line" or "when used for deep water crank bait fishing". trouble is none of that is the way I fish.

if forming an opinion based on the facts as I have read them so far and listening to the video recommendations from fishing pros then it is what it is.

bayouchub has said "Sunline sniper is probably the best all around fluoro with all things considered price included" so I will drop a $20 and see how I like it on one pole and compare it for a while. im not biased against it and am always willing to try things again but my past experience has shown it to be lacking in many situations but if they ever solve those problems I will be happy to never use mono again.
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