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Old 04-09-2014, 12:49 PM
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mr crab mr crab is offline
King Mackeral
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Bridge City, TX
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A perfect example of what's gonna happen with these changes is what happens during the fall flounder run in the Sabine ship channel. Go check out how many tx plates you see in the la causeway ramp parking lot. There is even a Sabine guide whose motto is "La Limits because Tx limits suk"....... now some Tx limits suck worse than others in the eyes of somebody who hires a guide once or twice a year. The flounder laying on the east bank of that channel are the same fish laying on the west bank. But the limit is 500% different? And might I add that most off the fish on either side of that channel come from the la estuaries, and get harvested all year long at a maximum of 10/angler/day. Don't know how many of y'all were actual out there last fall, but I was out there several days every week, and there was certainly no shortage of fish.....on either bank
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