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Old 04-09-2014, 09:43 PM
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Raymond Raymond is offline
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
You sound like the guy we need to found our own new coastal division, ,

Hell we have the lake Charles CCA chapter president on here and I would love him to debate this

I was a big CCA supporter but over the years I learned it's all about the $$$$$$$ trail

1) allowed a few to change the trout lint down to 15 with zero evidence...but but CCA "said it's the right thing to do"

2) failed to take action against oyster dredging on big lake with out a seed program,

3) spent 600k+ on a reef and all the starched shirt Cca sunshine pumpers got to make the paper, while the oyster boats were rapping our fishing grounds laughing there azz off

Screw em
That's past president and your best friends dad, your representative who lives in Jennings is the person who sold out on the oyster regulations for big lake. Everyone is entitled to their owns opinions but there is only one fact.
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