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Old 04-22-2014, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Reefman View Post
If an open meeting with concerned BL fishermen and the LC CCA chapter cannot come up with an agreement of total support of our issues then we know our efforts will have to come from a new grass roots front. I feel this can be set up within a month giving ample time to schedule such a meeting. I would strongly suggest the State Director of CCA be in attendance to give a thumbs up or down to our requests.

I do agree time is of the essence. By mid summer we should all know exactly where the State and CCA stands on BL fishery resources. I would be very careful in biting the hand that feeds the money to accomplish building of rock banks along with closing oyster dredging in BL namely WLF. We must maintain a working and amiable relationship with this State Dept.....just like CCA has done.

I see nothing wrong with having an additional conservation group that is focused and solely committed to the betterment of BL. Pontchartrain has a very active one that seems to be working well.
We already know where CCA stands, as past actions are more telling than present promises. Progress might be possible, but only if CCA realizes that maintaining their present course is going to start costing them in terms of reduced membership. It is a mistake to let them get through most of their fundraising in the current year.

I expect CCA to continue to give lip service to keep membership high and dues flowing in, mainly through S.T.A.R. participation. We really need them to commit to immediately CEASE and DESIST pushing increased regulations without sound scientific support.

Adding agenda items that support habitat issues in Big Lake would be unconvincing without simultaneously renouncing past support for bad policies.
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