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Old 04-26-2014, 07:04 AM
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Cappy Cappy is offline
Red Snapper
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Default How Grows Yall GArdens??

How grows it yall? Camera crapped out so no p[ics this weekend but we picked our first bowl of snap beans, enough to smother down with a lil bacon onion and share our first fruit with a neighbor. In true Cajun fashion she returned our bowl with a slice of carrot cake in it. It's a neighborhood tradition that when ya return a dish ya put something in it. We are eating strawberries from our lil patch, few ever make it in the house cause we stop by several times A DAY GRAZING The Jap plums are ready for their first picking, the yum-yum nectarines are ping pong ball sized and the paw paws are still very small and still have flowers. I will try to pick up a new camera this weekend and get some pics but till then how goes it in yall's yard?
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